
Some documents to support the mission and administration of the Hui Amorangi.
If you are looking for a particular resource, or the resource is not listed below, please use our contact form and let us know.

MoTW Travel and Expense Claim
Te Maru Mihingare Application form

This is the application form for the Te Maru Mihingare programme.

Te Tūāpapa o Te Manawa o Te Wheke 2022

This is most recent Te Tūāpapa document, last reviewed and edited by Te Hui Amorangi 2022.

Declaration of Adherence

This is the Declaration of Adherence to the Constitution and Canons of Te Haahi Mihingare and Te Tūāpapa in MOTW. The completion of this form is required for all Officers and for all who hold a Bishop's License.

Amorangi Charities' Declaration

This is the Declaration form to be used by Trustees of the Amorangi Trust Board which is a registered charitable organisation.

Amorangi Trust Board Application Form

The application form for the Trust Board of Te Hui Amorangi ki Te Manawa o Te Wheke

Pāriha Faculty

Please find the Pāriha Faculty Application Form here.
