Te Minitatanga ki te Ao


Nā reira haere, meinga hei ākonga ngā iwi katoa, iriiria i runga i te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tama, o te Wairua Tapu, ākona rātou kia mau ki ngā mea katoa i whakahaua, e ahau ki a koutou. Nā, ko ahau tēnā hei hoa mō koutou i ngā rā katoa, ā te mutunga rā anō o te ao.” Āmine. – Mat 28:19-20

Ministry in
Te Manawa o te Wheke

All are called to Christ by his command of love. In the traditions of Te Manawa o te Wheke, discipleship is paramount for all, but formal ministry is offered in a particular way and by a unique call. Ministry is offered by both Lay and Ordained people in the  capacity of Tamariki or Rangatahi leader, Kaikarakia, Deacon, Priest, and Bishop.

Episcopal Ministry

The Bishop is the chief shepherd and pastor of Te Hui Amorangi under Christ, the Head of the Church. The Bishop is a focal point of the unity of Te Hui Amorangi.
As chief shepherd and pastor, the Bishop organises and empowers the people of their Hui Amorangi to fulfil the mission of the Gospel in their communities and areas. Bishops do this by allowing people to join in the Church's ministry under their episcopal authority, by ordaining Deacons and Priests, and by setting the example for the Gospel mission in their area.

Priestly Ministry

Priests are called to love the people of the Church, to care, teach, and equip them for our shared ministry in the Gospel.
Priests are to teach the faith, declare God’s forgiveness in Christ, teach and baptise new believers, and lead the Church in Sacramental Ministry by presiding and administering the Eucharist and the other Sacraments of the Church.

Diaconal Ministry

Deacons are called to care for those in need inside and outside the Church. They are to lead the Church in their outward mission of serving our communities.
Deacon’s remind the whole Church that serving others is essential to all ministry. They are to be a beacon and wero to the Church by their actions of service to those in need, through proclaiming and living the Gospel and calling the Church to share the love of Christ with everyone.


Kaikarakia are to read the scriptures, assist the ministers of the sanctuary, and in certain circumstances lead services of the word under supervision or in times of need.

Tamariki and Rangatahi Kaiwhakaako

Tamariki and Rangatahi Kaiwhakaako are responsible for the Christian learning and formation of young people throughout Te Manawa o te Wheke. This could be by leading a Sunday School or Youth group in a worshiping community.

Is God calling you to serve in the ministry of Te Hui Amorangi ki te Manawa o te Wheke?

A call to ministry first begins with prayer and discernment. This is a process which the church can assist you in.
If you feel as though God may be calling you to a particular ministry, it is best to talk to your local pirihi or priest first. Together with your pirihi, you can contact the Amorangi Minister for Discernment, or Tamariki Rangatahi Kaiwhakaako.
Hui Amorangi candidates can receive formal training and education through Te Whare Wānanga o Te Manawa o te Wheke, or Saint John’s Theological College.

Hangaia te hapori Karaitiana!
'Building Christ-like Communities'

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