Mana Whakahaere


Three Tikanga Church

Te Haahi Mihingare ki Aotearoa, Niu Tireni, me ngā Moutere o te Moana nui a Kiwa: The Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia, is made up of three Tikanga or cultural strands, Tikanga Māori, Tikanga Pakeha and Tikanga Pasifika. These three strands of the church have their own autonomy and bishops, but as part of a provincial church, they are united as the Anglican Church in these islands. Within the provincial church: Te Hui Amorangi ki te Manawa o te Wheke belongs to Tikanga Māori and thus is a part of Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa, under the mana of Te Pīhopa o Aotearoa and te Pīhopa Matamua o Tikanga Māori. The provincial church meets every five years for Te Hinota Whānui: The General Synod, our highest governing body.
Photo Credit: Image © 2004. Julanne Clarke-Morris, Anglican Taonga

Te Hui Amorangi | Te Hīnota

Te Hīnota o te Hui Amorangi is the most senior governing body within the Amorangi. It is an annual meeting where all pāriha of Te Hui Amorangi are represented. The houses of bishop, clergy, and laity meet in person to report and discuss the governance, issues, and vision the church and Amorangi.

Te Amorangi Whāiti

Synod Standing Committee
Since the Hīnota only meets once a year, it can not make decisions for the Amorangi during the year, therefore the executive leadership of the Amorangi is managed by Te Amorangi Whāiti. This executive leadership group is composed of representatives from regions and pāriha throughout the Amorangi, together with the Bishop and Te Tari Whakahaere. As a group they steer and manage the business and overall mission and vision of the Amorangi outside of Hīnota.

Find out more about being Mihingare
